Abstract nominees
Title: Flower In The Window
Title: Focus
Title: untitled (3)
Title: untitled (4)
Title: Untitled (5)
Title: Seen through the book
Title: Moais Landing
Title: All Downhill
Title: Number 30
Title: Fireworks
Title: Low Tide, Vancouver Island
Title: Seaweed
Title: Carlton #3
Title: Amnesia
Title: Hush Hour
Title: Atlantis
Title: Ballons and Bird on Lightpost
Title: Intimate Contact
Title: Amber Musings
Title: Color in motion
Title: Shadow B
Title: Light Fixtures at Benvenuto
Title: Green
Title: Lotus
Title: Denver Airport #2
Title: Folded Coast #1
Title: Water Line
Title: NYC by Cab
Title: Motor Home
Title: 3vegas(vegas)x2
Title: Shadow's games (4)
Title: Southwest Abstract I
Title: All Natural